Jun 1, 2013

Be carefully controversial

Being controversial is sometimes a sign of independence. Of course, many times it's an attempt to get popular quickly and cheaply. If you decide to be controversial for whatever reason: to increase the popularity of your blog, because you strongly feel about something or any other reason—do not lose your sense of civility. It's true that your blog is like your own kingdom and what you say on it is entirely within your right to expression. However, if you have voices of dissent on your blog you should, as a matter of courtesy, allow them to be aired. Don't just allow positive comments. Be ready to handle both the praise and criticism. Of course you may choose to edit or delete comments that are full of four letter words and foul language. Allowing both praise and criticism on your blog will send clear signals to your readers. You will jump up in their esteem as a serious blogger who is willing to allow discussion both sides of an issue. Otherwise, you risk losing their respect and being labeled as a propaganda swilling, pompous, self-adulatory windbag!

Professional blogging usually means that you are becoming an authority on some specific topic area. This will mean that at times you will need to take the extra effort to do stuff which you may consider tedious, boring and not cool. For example as part of your blog you may be required to review different graphic designer software tools. It may be that you have a preference for one particular tool and really dislike another. You will need to be objective and be able to articulate why you dislike a particular and learn to separate the "facts from the fiction" of your personal likes and dislikes. That is not to say you should not express your likes and dislikes. One of the advantages of being a popular blogger is the level of authority that you can command with your reader population. If you can clearly state why you dislike something it will get your fans thinking along those lines and they may agree with you. Of course they may also disagree.

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  1. "You will need to be objective and be able to articulate why you dislike a particular and learn to separate the "facts from the fiction"
    of your personal likes and dislikes"

    "One of the advantages of being a popular blogger is the level of authority that you can command with your reader population. If you can clearly state why you dislike something..."
    you hit the spot
